12. februar 2025.  

Dolazak u Beograd

Zašto posetiti Beograd Zašto posetiti Beograd

Šetnja Knez Mihailovom ulicom i pogled sa Kalemegdana na ušće Save u Dunav jednostavno prija svima – zato treba posetiti Beograd.

Ukoliko pokušate da date ime osećanju koje se javlja dok se korak po korak savladava ovaj, realno, neveliki prostor, prva asocijacija će, sasvim sigurno, biti reč – sloboda.

Tekst na engleskom / English version

Postoje i druga lepa mesta u Beogradu, koja osvežavaju, opuštaju, odmaraju, leče tugu i čine da se i problemi doživljavaju kao prolazni. Tajna je, verovatno, u dugoj istoriji grada, dobrim strujanjima vazduha pored rečnih tokova, izvanrednom položaju i konfiguraciji terena.

A upravo zbog te konfiguracije trebalo bi, za kompletan doživljaj grada, posetiti oba Beograda – i stari, brežuljkast, sa bujnom vegetacijom u parkovima i šumama, i novi – ravan i širok.

Putnici koji dolaze u kratku posetu Beogradu znaju tačno zbog čega to čine. Neko će svojim prisustvom obradovati rodbinu ili prijatelje na porodičnom okupljanju ili slavlju, neko će doći na koncert, pozorišnu predstavu, sajam, poslovni sastanak, noćni provod u restoranu-splavu, utakmicu ili lični sportski nastup…

Studenti iz drugih gradova ne dolaze samo da posete Beograd. Oni u Beogradu žive, odlaze i vraćaju mu se, doživljavaju ga kao svoj. Obavezama na nekom od fakulteta dodaju odmeravanje sopstvenih snaga i slabosti, a Beograd je njihov saučesnik koji nudi brojne mogućnosti.

Zašto posetiti Beograd

Bez povoda posetiti Beograd

Bilo bi dobro isplanirati, a zatim, bez posebnog povoda posetiti Beograd. Ovo je najbolji način da se grad doživi na potpuno originalan način i da mu se pokloni puna pažnja.

Nije fraza da Beograd tokom čitave godine nudi bogatstvo sadržaja – reke, Adu Ciganliju i bašte restorana leti, žuto lišće Košutnjaka, sajmove i festivale umetnosti i kulture u jesen, sasvim posebnu novogodišnju atmosferu koje traje nedeljama, prolećne šetnje kejovima… Pokušavamo sve to da najavimo i „ispratimo“ na ovim našim stranicama…

U Beogradu se može provesti godišnji odmor ili makar jedan njegov deo – ponuda smeštajnih kapaciteta je raznovrsna, pa se sigurno može pronaći željama i mogućnostima najprimereniji. ( / fotografije: Shutterstock)

Dolazak u Beograd

U Beograd može da se dođe avionom, automobilom, biciklom, vozom, brodom… Sve informacije u vezi sa dolaskom u Beograd nekim prevoznim sredstvom objavili smo na OVOM LINKU.


Coming to Belgrade

Walking down Knez Mihailova street and the view from Kalemegdan castle of the mouth of the Sava entering the Danube is simply a pleasure to everyone – this is why you should visit Belgrade.

If you try to name the feeling that surfaces while you step by step conquer this place, in reality a small space, the first association will quite surely be a word – freedom.

There are other beautiful places in Belgrade, which refresh, relieve sadness and make all problems transient. The secret is probably in the long history of the city, good air flows along the river banks, extraordinary position and diverse terrain.

And because of this terrain, for the complete experience of the city, you should visit both Belgrades – the old hilly with lush vegetation in parks and woodland, and the new – flat and wide.

Travellers who come for a short visit to Belgrade know exactly why they will do it. Some will want to surprise family or friends at a family gathering, some will come for a concert, a theatre play, a business meeting, Belgrade fair, a night out in a floating night club, to watch a match or take part in a sporting event…

Students from other towns come not only to visit Belgrade. They live in Belgrade, leave it and return to it, always seeing it as their own town. Besides hard work at University, students weigh their own strengths and weaknesses in Belgrade everyday life, with the city as their ally offering plenty of opportunities.

Visiting Belgrade without a special reason

It would be good to plan then visit Belgrade without a special reason. This is the best way to experience the city in a completely original way and to pay full attention to it.

It is not a cliche that Belgrade throughout the year offers a richness of content – rivers, Ada Ciganlija lake, restaurant gardens in summer; yellow leaves of Kosutnjak, fairs and festivals of art and culture in autumn; a completely special New Year’s atmosphere lasting for weeks, spring walks along river banks … We are trying to announce and cover all that on our pages…

In Belgrade, you can spend your vacation or at least one part of it – the offer of accommodation is diverse, so the most suitable place to stay according to your desires and possibilities can certainly be found.

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